Schedule Reports

The following report types can be scheduled:

  • Dashboard
  • Single journey
  • Multi journey

Scheduling a report means sending an email to one or more people with the result of the report attached. The option is activated through a check box ‘Scheduling Enabled’.

The Report scheduling tab is slightly different, depending on the selected type of report:


Different time intervals are provided to choose from, ranging from hour to month.

When the user selects a time interval, additional options are available:

  • By the hour — The user determines how many times during the day the report is sent and at what time.
  • By the day The report is scheduled from a specific time in the day on.
  • By the week: Reports can be scheduled every day or only on specific days of the week.
  • By the month The user can select the days of the month on which the report should be sent.


Single journey

Reports on a journey can be scheduled based on the journey execution. You can define a custom delay after the journey execution.

 In addition, you can limit the scope of the report to the following:

  • Journeys in specific folders
  • Journeys with a name that matches a specific string
  • Journeys assigned a specific category
  • Journeys linked to a specific product

 A check box allows including sub-folders in the scope.



The basic options are the same as for a report of type 'Single journey map'. An additional option ‘with a maximum of "n" journeys allows the user to limit the report to the last "n" number of journeys. A number between 1 and 99 is allowed.


When scheduling is activated, an additional entry is added 'Email properties' where the email is configured.

  • To — If the account of the current connected user contains an email address, a check box labeled ‘Me’ is displayed.  The email address, which is configured in Campaign, is shown between brackets. If the user checks the option ‘Others’, a window appears in which they can enter the different email addresses targeted.
  • Subject The subject can contain plain text or variables. These variables can either be system variables or the report name.
  • Message The message represents the content of the email. Variables can be used in here as well.
  • File format Different radio buttons are available to choose the format in which the report file is to be sent. If the report contains only a grid, the file format ‘xls’ is available. When other components are included in the report (e.g., Charts) only PDF or PNG can be selected.
  • File name The name of the file can be customized by entering text and variables.
  • Report language The selected language determines the language of the different report components

Note that a right click within the Subject, Message or File-name fields displays a pop-up menu with the available system variables and the variable containing the report name. These variables can be used in combination with text.

To the right, a preview of the email is provided.



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