Journey: Compare

Comparing emails in journeys is a rapid way to identify problems in specific email content.  Compare lets you analyze why one email performed better than another. Clicks, views and revenue (if available) are available for comparison.

The Compare function also can be used to evaluate a single email because it provides detailed information on delivery and interaction.  

The first chart is a comparison in absolute numbers on email views, clicks and Returns on Investment (ROIs). The ROI is the amount purchased by the customer, but it does not take into account the cost of the email (design, workload,etc). You need to take this into account when evaluating the result of the emails.

The second part compares a set of predefined KPI's and key values on a higher level and in greater detail. It provides insight into the reasons for failed delivery, information on total and unique numbers, and email traffic and interaction:

This report let's you figure out why your email was not delivered (Bad email address? Blocked by a rule? Soft bounce?) so that you can correct the issue.

Also, you can determine what the recipient of the email was interested in, what links they clicked most, which links did not lead to any interaction at all, and other answers.

You can use this information to improve your email and push recipients to more click-throughs and conversions.


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