Live Email View

The tab ‘Live Email View’ provides marketers with live data on progress and delivery rates. The view only includes numbers for emails injourney mapswith exclusively emails and pages. (Journeys with interfaces are not included). Numbers are refreshed automatically every 20 seconds.

The view is created specifically for broadcast campaigns and express journeys with newsletters.

The information in the live email view is limited to the last 10 days after the journey map has finished executing. After this time period no additional data is stored in delivery. The view includes all emails, including those in data driven and triggered journeys.

Numbers are available per journey and per email in the journey. A 'Filter' field narrows down the result. When a date is entered as a filter, all journeys executed after the defined date are displayed in the report.

The icon next to the progress and delivery rate provide access to additional graphs:


  • Number of emails scheduled, delivered, viewed, bounced and clicked in the first 10 days after the last email was sent
  • Delivery number and bounce distribution per email domain


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