Asset Rights

In Campaign, under Settings, you can click the Asset Configuration module to access Asset Rights where you can define which User Groups have access to various Selligent items (Segments, Lists, Journeys, etc.). So, although a user might have complete access to journeys, with asset rights this access may be restricted to only a few of the journeys.

Asset rights are taken into account on the dashboards and reporting. Each user can only see what they have access to.

NOTE: When new assets are created, all user groups have access by default.

The Asset right main section is divided in two parts:

  • Selligent Items tree view on the left, including:
    • lists
    • journeys folders
    • exports
    • registered Stored Procedures
    • tasks
    • communication cadence plans
    • social apps
    • CRM connector instances
    • Site universes
    • mail domains
    • segments
  • User groups are listed on the right.

For each item in the list on the left, you can select which user groups have access by checking the boxes.

There are two options when saving the modifications:

  • Apply — Grants access to the selected item for the selected User Group
  • Apply Children — Grants access to the selected item plus all child nodes for the selected User Group.


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