Packaging: Mapping data from both environments

When using the packaging tool, objects from one environment are transferred to another. However, not all components and configuration options remain necessarily exactly the same. This is the case for instance for mail domains, urls, 'From' addresses, 'From' names, communications cadence etc. These differ between both environments and need to be converted.

Example: convert mail domain Selligentstaging.domain.netto

A mapping between both environments allows defining a correspondence between these different elements and when deploying the package an automatic conversion is applied.

Now, two types of mapping should be distinguished:

  • Complex mapping: refers to elements such as mail domain, queues, from address (depends on the domain), clashplans, etc.
  • Simple string mapping: refers to simple text mapping such as 'From' name, urls, Reply address, Reply name, etc.

Complex mapping can be configured only once, at import of a package and IF no mapping is detected for these elements. Note however that the elements themselves, such as the mail domain, should already be created in the environment, through the usual interfaces. Once the mapping exists, it is impossible to change it and no interface is provided to view this mapping.

Simple mapping can be configured when importing a package. If the element does not yet exist (ex. From name) it can be created at this point and mapped at the same time.

These simple mappings can also be done from within the configuration, through a dedicated configuration section:

Based on previously imported packages simple mapping parameters are already listed. These can be edited and new mappings can be added.

However, only string mappings can be edited in the Configuration section. These include From name, urls, reply address, reply names, etc. The type of mapping is indicated in the first column.

Clicking the 'New mapping' option launches the following dialog:

1. Select the type of mapping. This field is locked if altering an existing mapping. (Ex. From name, Repository, url, Reply address, etc)

2. Then, enter the initial value in the 'Map from' field and the target value in the 'Map to' field.


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