Web Sensors

Web sensors are used to trace the customer behavior when defining a Web tracking process. The interaction on these sensors can be measured.

The Web sensors entry allows creating and configuring web sensors.

NOTE: web sensors are always used in combination with a Selligent web tracking process. Their purpose is to configure what exactly should be tracked by the process. For every web sensor created a code is generated and that code is used in the tracking process. They have no other purpose other than generating the correct code

The toolbar provides following functionality:

  • New
  • Delete
  • Properties
  • Duplicate web sensor: copies the selected web sensor to create a new one
  • Code example: provides an example script to put on each page to be tracked


Creating a new web sensor

When creating a new web sensor following properties need to be defined:


  • Name
  • Description
  • Type: indicate if it is a normal webtracker sensor or a shopping tracker web sensor. The type determines the parameters tracked. For a shopping web sensor the parameters are fixed which allows standard reports to be provided.
  • List: audience which will be monitored by the web sensor.(Check out the topic on Tracking)
  • Ignore anonymous request: all anonymous requests made on this web sensor will be ignored.


The 'Parameters' tab allows defining parameters which will be traced concerning the customer behavior. For a general web tracking sensor these parameters are configured from scratch. For a Shopping tracker web sensor predefined parameters are available: PRODUCTID , QTY , PRICE , PAYMENT_TYPE , CATEGORY.

Inserting a new parameter can be done by clicking a free row in the table and then defining its name and description.


Reporting on web sensors

When selecting a web sensor in the overview of sensors at the top, the lower part of the main window is updated with reporting data concerning this sensor.



As web sensors are used for tracking, please check out the Tracking topic for the complete explanation on the configuration and use.