Create a journey

Create the following journey for the survey. A survey invitation email is not added to this journey. But preferably in a separate, scheduled journey, sending the email to a certain selection. E.g. all customers who purchased three items, etc. The invitation email's call-to-action link will redirect to the Input component of the survey's journey below. You can drag your survey from the 'Journey & assets' tree view on the left.


NOTE: Test your survey journey thoroughly in Campaign as in the different browsers before communicating to the general public.

The mailing optin journey

In the survey we have asked if the contact wanted to receive the weekly newsletter and/or the daily deals. We should follow up on this and send him a confirmation email asking him to confirm his subscription (if they are not subscribed already). We could handle this after the 'Complete' event of the Form component but this event is only triggered if the contact completed the survey. I.e. reached the finish page. Since the survey list is a profile extension of the audience list, we can easily create selection of all contacts who requested an optin in the survey, but has not have it yet in the audience list. This way we can disregard if they completed the survey or not and handle the confirmation in a separate journey.

  • The audience selection are all contacts who selected "Weekly" or "Daily" in the survey question "Mailing optin" and who's audience list fields OPTIN_WEEKLY or OPTIN_DAILY are equal to zero or empty.

  • The confirmation email uses constraints to check which optin(s) the contact selected in the survey and displays a message accordingly
  • The Data component also checks which optin(s) the contact selected in the survey to set the correct optin field(s) to 1: OPTIN_WEEKLY and/or OPTIN_DAILY
  • The contact sees a thank you page again using constraints to display a message according the selected optin(s)

The journey is executed every 10 minutes sending the email to the selected contacts.

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