Customer satisfaction questions

Page 1: Intro

Thank you for taking part in this survey. Your thoughts and opinions are important to help us improve our customer satisfaction and service to you. This survey should only take 5 minutes of your time. All answers you provide will be kept in the strictest confidentiality. If you have questions or remarks about this survey, contact us at Please click ‘Next’ to begin.

Page 2: Recent purchase

1. You [purchased] [did not purchase] at [Company name] the past 3 months. Are you planning to purchase in the near future? [PURCHASE_INTENT] [Radio, required] Yes – No – Don’t know yet

*NOTE: You have this information. Check the contact’s extended profile PURCHASE_METRICS

If no 2. Why? [NO_PURCHASE_REASON] [Checkbox] Bad experience in the past - Less extensive range of products - Too expensive - Site not user friendly - Late delivery - Promotions not attractive + Other [Open text field]

If checked ‘Bad experience in the past’ 3. What was your bad experience? [BAD_EXPERIENCE] [Open textfield]

-> Skip to Page 4: Mailing

If yes 4. Which kind of products do you intend to order: [CATEGORY] [Checkbox] Electronics- Fashion - Home decoration

Per category checked, show: 5.  What budget do you have in mind when ordering [Category Name]: [BUDGET_CATEGORYNAME] [Radio] Less than 100€ - Between 100 and 200€, - More than 200€

6. Do you intend to purchase more or less with [Company name] than before? [MORE_LESS] [Radio, required] More - Less - About the same

If less 7. Why? [LESS_PURCHASE_REASON] [Checkbox] Bad experience in the past - Less extensive range of products - More expensive - Site not user friendly - Late delivery - Promotions not attractive + Other [Open text field]

If checked ‘Bad experience in the past’ 8. What was your bad experience? [BAD_EXPERIENCE] [Open textfield]

If more or about the same 9. Why do you intend to purchase [more] [about the same]? [PURCHASE_REASON] [Checkbox] Good range of products – Clear product descriptions – Good pricing – Fast delivery – User-friendly website – Discounts + Other [open text field]

*NOTE: The question "more" or "about the same" depends on the answer in the previous question 5. Use the answer of the previous question.

-> Continue to the next page

Page 3: VIA

10. Did you purchase via the website, the printed catalog or a physical store? : [CHANNEL] [Checkbox, required] Website - Catalog - Store

If NOT checked website 11. Why do you not purchase via the website? : [NO_WEBSITE] [Checkbox] I do not think online payments are secure – I do not trust online stores – I prefer human interaction – Too complicated to order online + Other [open text field]

Page 4: Mailing

You [are] [are not] subscribed to [any of our newsletters] [the weekly newsletter] [the daily deals] [the weekly newsletter and the daily deals]

*NOTE: You have this information. Check the contact’s optin fields

If subscribed to either newsletter

12. Please rate the newsletter [RATE_MAILING] [radio matrix]
[columns] Very good - Good - Neutral - Bad - Very bad
[rows] Attractive - Modern - Promo’s - Product offer - Product images- Product description

13. How about the volume of emails you receive? [MAILING_VOLUME] [Radio] I receive too much emails – I receive too few emails – The amount of emails I receive is ok

* NOTE: Here, you could allow the contact to change his subscription based on his answer to this question. (Not in the exercise)

If not subscribed

14. Would you like to subscribe to one of the newsletters? [MAILING_OPTIN] [Checkbox] Yes, I want to subscribe to the weekly newsletter – Yes, I want to subscribe to the Daily deals – No, thank you

*NOTE: Turn of yes (2 times) when the contact checks ‘no, thank you’ with 'Enable clear all options'. In the exercise we will send the contact a confirmation email (double optin) when they clicked 'Yes' on either or both opt-ins (using 2 sections in the email)

If no 15. Why not? [NO_MAILING_REASON] [Open text field]

Page 5: Loyalty card

If the contact has a loyalty card

*NOTE: You have this information. Check the contact’s extended profile LOYALTY_CARD

16. How often do you use your Retailer loyalty card? [LC_FREQUENCY] [Radio, required] Very often - Regularly - Sometimes - Never

If very often or regularly 17. Are you satisfied using your Retailer loyalty card? [LC_SATISFACTION] [Radio] Very satisfied - Satisfied - Neutral - Unsatisfied - Very unsatisfied

If unsatisfied or very unsatisfied

18. Why are you not satisfied? [LC_UNHAPPY_RESAON] [Open text field]

19. Please contact me regarding my loyalty card  [LC_CONTACT] [Single checkbox]

*NOTE: Here is an opportunity to follow up on an unsatisfied loyal customer. Add them to a BPM lifecycle to handle the contact moment with FrontOffice. (Not in the exercise)

If the contact does not have a loyalty card

20. You don’t have a loyalty card. Why not? [NO_LC_REASON] [Radio, required] Never been offered to me - Not beneficial enough - I do not use loyalty cards + Other [open text field]

If never offered 21. Would you like a loyalty card? [LC_OPTIN] [Radio, required] Yes, please - No, thank you

*NOTE: Here is an opportunity to follow up on this question. Send a ‘loyalty card registration’ email to all contacts answering ‘yes’. Or an email stating the benefits of a loyalty card when they answered 'Not beneficial enough'.

Finish Page

Thank you for completing this enquiry. We value your opinion and will take your input into consideration providing our products and services in the future.

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