Publishing the survey

Before you can use a survey it has to be published. Make sure your survey is tested in Form before you publish a version of the survey. The changes you make after a version is published will not affect the 'published' version. You'll have to publish another version to see your changes online. The advantage is that you can always revert to a previous version of the survey.

1. Make sure the database is updated and your survey is saved.

2. On the survey overview page, Click 'Publish' from the top bar and select 'Publish current version'

3. Give your version a name, for instance 'csf v01', and a descriptive comment. Click 'Publish'

4. When you select 'Publish' again from the top menu you'll see that 'Version control' has become active. Click on it to see all your published versions (currently only 1).

Here you can change the active version by selecting a version and clicking on the 'Set active' button. Activating a version will not revert the survey to that state, recalling it will. So you can overwrite the survey you are currently editing with a previously published version by clicking on the 'Recall' button. Be careful when doing this, because it will erase the one you are currently editing!

5. Close the Published versions panel.

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