Use of BPM components: Welcome scenario

This is a basic example on how to use the BPM components. BPM stands for "Business Process Management", i.e. life cycles. A BPM journey defines the states the contact can be in, the states are stored in a BPM list. A global customer life cycle for instance, with states "welcome, retention, loyalty, etc.".

We are going to create a basic welcome stream. Typically, a welcome stream is a series of messages that introduce a brand or an idea and inspire first purchase. The first touch will be a welcome offer. If the contact does not purchase after three days, they will receive a reminder about our new products. If no purchase after 7 days, they contact will receive a "don't miss out" email that can be about hot trends for back to school or any other calendar event. If the contact made a first purchase, they are redirected from the welcome stream and diverted to the first-purchase life cycle.

So our little scenario can be split up in the following steps and BPM components:

  • New contacts with no purchase -> enter the welcome stream (BPM In)
  • First touch = welcome offer email (BPM State)
  • 3 days later and no purchase -> move to second touch (BPM State event)
  • Second touch = reminder of new products (BPM State)
  • 4 days later and no purchase ->move to third touch (BPM State event)
  • Third touch = "do not miss out" email (BPM State)

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