Filter Designer: Attribute

This type allows making selections based on a field value in the list or a 1:1 linked list (extended profile).

  • List: list targeted by the filter operation. The audience list or an extended profile of the audience list
  • Field: field of the list on which the filter is based
  • Calculate Values: retrieves all available values for the selected field (SQL:group by) and displays them into the “Values” text area.
  • Operator (when Calculate Values enabled or an option list is defined on the field): “Contains” or “Does not contain” operations (SQL: in or not in)
  • Operator(when Calculate Values disabled) and depending on the type of field:
    • = Equal:Value A is equal to value B
    • <> Does not equal: Value A is not equal to value B
    • One of: Value A is included in a list of values
    • None of: Value A is not included in a list of values
    • > Greater than\ < less than (used for numeric fields): includes only numbers/dates greater or smaller than the indicated number/date.
    • Between (used for numeric fields): the two numbers are separated by a pipe | (example between 11|22). For datetime fields two dates can be chosen.
    • Not between: excludes all numbers between the indicated numbers. The numbers are separated by a pipe |.For datetime fields two dates can be chosen.
    • Like: Value A contains the defined string. Use the wildcard (%) sign in front or at the end of the string
    • Is empty (or null): Value of the field is empty (SQL: null)
    • Is not empty (and not null): Value of the field is not empty (SQL: not null)
  • Values: values of the filter. Single quotes are NOT needed for textual values. The filter designer will add them.