Account created last month but no purchase yet

Some people show an interest in your products and sign up for newsletters or website registrations, but simply don't buy. These are potential customers that are already aware of your business and it is important to stimulate them for their first buy. If they are registered they are very likely interested, so what went wrong?

To retrieve these customers we need to get the creation date of their profile (a field that is automatically updated in the audience list) and check if they have at least one record in the orders table.

1.     STEP 1

Create condition on Creation_Date on Attribute tab: We use in this case two sliding points in time between which the account should be created. You could also use 'After Now -1month for instance)

1.     STEP 2

Press the AND operator in the toolbar and activate the Lookup tab. Select the Orders list and press 'Define Filter'.

By selecting the Orders_ID and applying the operator >0, the existence of an order record for a contact is tested.

1.     step 3

Save this filter and in the main Filter Designer dialog the following is returned:


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