History filter examples


Contacts who clicked "Fashion" sensor

Contacts who clicked "Fashion" sensor in "Promo fashion" email in "Promo - Fashion" journey.
Under Journey, Open an email in a journey and select "Clicked Fashion". This is a specific sensor in the email, you can select:

  • Message sent
  • Message clicked: clicked on any sensor except the web version sensor
  • Message viewed: includes the web version, not clicked on any other sensor
  • Clicked Web version sensor
  • Clicked a specific sensor

Contacts who clicked "Fashion" sensor OR "Home" sensor

If you select multiple sensors in one include filter it is selected with 'OR'. IN this case, the contacts who clicked "fashion" OR "home"

Contacts who clicked "Fashion" sensor AND "Home" sensor

Use 2 includes to select contacts who should have clicked both sensors "fashion" and "home"

Reminder mail selection

Exclude contacts that viewed and clicked (Sensor>0) the "Promo fashion" email. Thus the selection contains contacts who did not clicked or viewed.

Reminder mail selection: did not viewed or clicked the last 2 weeks

Use a Datetime filter to select within a certain time frame. Here, all contacts are excluded who viewed and clicked (Sensor>0) the "Promo fashion" email within the last 2 weeks.

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