Comma Separated Options

The delimiter can either be a colon, semi colon or pipe. Moreover, the user can choose to set the delimiter to‘auto’. In that case Selligent detects automatically the delimiter based on the first lines of the import file.

It is possible to set the first row as the one containing the column names and to wrap text with double quotes.

The 'maximum column count' option  indicates the number of columns that are at maximum imported, starting from the left.

In case delimiter errors occur (e.g. too many or too few columns in one or more records in the source), a number of options are at hand to handle this:

  • Don’t break on invalid rows: rows with errors are ignored. The following row is imported
  • Keep invalid rows: rows with too many or too few columns are nevertheless imported, if possible
  • Mark invalid rows as rejected: rows with errors are marked as rejected.