Status incidents

The status incidents section provides the user information on journeys that executed not properly.

Some examples:

  • When no reaction has been defined for a sensor in a journey.
  • When a component in a journey has been wrongly configured
  • when there is an issue during database updates (for instance, missing fields in the selected table)
  • when a service cannot be executed
  • unable to load a journey
  • unable to load template
  • ...


This panel provides the following information:

  • ID: incident ID
  • Date/Time: date and time when the incident occurred
  • Journey: name of the impacted journey
  • List: name of the impacted list
  • Description: incident description

Incident details are available by double clicking an incident in the list. It provides the following information.

  • Date: the date on which the incident occurred
  • State: incident state (New or Checked)
  • Journey: name of the journey impacted by the incident
  • List: the name of the List impacted by the incident
  • User: the record that has triggered the error
  • Incident Description: a detailed description of the incident
  • Databuffer Content: buffer content at the incident occurred time

The 'Mark Checked'button set the state of the incident to 'Checked', therefore this incidents won’t be displayed in the incident list anymore.