Form Text Component

Use: open questions. Answers can be typed in freely.


  • Allow multiple lines of input: text can be inserted on multiple lines, creates a text area on the rendered html page
  • Password field: the field will have a “Password” look. (Value hidden by dot or asterisk). Generates an input field with type password.
  • Input field width: width of the field on the page
  • Length of answer between: validation rule, enter the minimum and maximum allowed characters (related error label : FIELD_TOO_SHORT, FIELD_TOO_LONG)
  • This is a numeric field: only numeric values are allowed (related label : FIELD_NOT_NUMERIC)
  • Allow only integer: only integers are allowed
  • Allow only number between: validation rule, enter the minimum and maximum allowed numeric values (related label: FIELD_TO_LOW / FIELD_TO_HIGH)
  • Check input using regular expression: regular expression validating the field content (e.g. for email addresses)


In form, when validation fails, there a number of predefined error messages . These error messages are stored in labels and have a default description. It is however possible to provide an alternative error message per question. Do this on the 'question' tab of each component.

NOTE: Error message labels are displayed when the content of the answer does not match the validation rules.


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