When and how are metrics calculated?

EMIT metrics are calculated once a day, between 00:00 and 06:00 UTC.
The metrics are calculated based on email messages delivered within the given time frame of 90 days (default). Only email messages are taken into account, no other channels at this point.


What if I am using Campaignand Engage?

Interest tags defined in Engage are only visible in Engage. However Engagement metrics include interactions on communications in Engage and also in Campaign.


What is the best way of setting up the Tag List?

Before thinking about defining the Tag List, it is important to keep in mind that tags can only be defined on one level. You can work around this by using underscores to mimic a hierarchical structure.


All tag values are translated into uppercase and do not support special characters or spaces.

When deciding on the tag values, keep in mind that a too high-level Tag List or too detailed one will both result in limiting the power of the feature. Think about what is important for your business to steer your consumer communication and how your consumers set themselves apart from others.

In an energy company, 2 possible tags could be ELECTRICITY and GAS. But this is not sufficient to target the consumer in an optimal way. By adding a bit more detail, communications can happen a lot more consumer oriented. ELECTRICITY_GREEN and ELECTRICITY_NONRENEWABLE will allow to target the right group of consumers to migrate them to Green electricity.


What channels are covered by EMIT?

At this point, only email is supported.


Are legacy Taxonomy tags available in EMIT?

This question is specific for Campaign customers using Taxonomy and wanting to migrate to Engage.

From the moment EMIT is activated in Engage, both Taxonomy tag hits and EMIT tag hits will start filling the metrics:

  • Tag data is not part of a history load and will hence only build from this point on
  • Taxonomy only takes into account Campaign tag hits and will not include Engage tags

For migrating clients, we advise to

  • Migrate the Taxonomy Tag List to an EMIT Tag List if the audience is re-used in Engage.
  • EMIT tags should be a superset of Taxonomy tags
  • Don't add new tags to the Campaign Taxonomy Tag List anymore

This will allow the client to benefit directly from their old Taxonomy setup while investing in the EMIT setup.

In the unrecommended case you do keep tags in Taxonomy that are not in EMIT, the client could encounter the following:
a. tags that only live in Taxonomy could end up in the top tags.
b. tags that only live in Taxonomy will not have their counts exposed in EMIT.

Note that in particular, top tags can become visible, even when the EMIT tag list is still empty.


When 2 tags have an equal number of hits, which one is selected?

When a user has multiple tags with the same hit count, the one with the most recent activity is prioritized.

When the timestamp is the same for both of them, the tag that comes lexicographically first is prioritized.


What happens if an Audience List with Email Interest profile extension is shared with another organization?

When an Audience List is shared with other organizations, the Tag List associated with that Audience List also needs to be made available to those additional organizations (requires Organizational Admin privilege for those organizations). Once done, tag data for that Audience List is gathered cross-organization and are then made available cross-organization: behavioral metrics gathered from one organization can be used in conditions for the other organization.


What is the ideal time window setting?

The default time window is set to 90 days. Note that this can be changed if needed, and on request. However, it is recommended to keep this time window under a year, preferably 30, 60, 90, 180 or 365 days. In some cases and depending on the business a longer time window might be required.
Note that all datetime fields in EMIT are not restricted to this time window. The first/last delivery date for example will span the entire data that is available for EMIT.


How are non-active tags treated?

A tag is active when it is present in one of the Engage Tag Lists. Non-active tags are the ones that were deleted from the Tag List. They can still linger in existing campaigns on links or articles, and hence can still be hit by the end-user.

Active tags are used to calculate the top tags. As a result, non-active tags will not be included in these top tags.

However, there is a scenario where non-active tags might be included anyway. Let's explain.

Events tags are referred to as tags that are linked to a specific event. These tags are clicked because they are associated to a link or to an article. These event tags can or cannot exist in a Tag List.
Active tags are tags in a Tag List linked to the Audience List.

  • When the Event tags are the same as the Active tags, all these tags are included in the count. This implies that all tags clicked also exist in the Tag List.
  • When there are more Event tags than there are active tags, only the active tags are taken into account. This implies that there are tags that can be clicked but no longer exist in the Tag List.
  • When there are Events tags, but no active tags are detected, the event tags are taken into account. This implies that no Tag List is linked to the Audience List and that none of the event tags are active.

This situation arises when there are tags that generate an event, but no Tag List exists for the Audience.