Variables used in styling

You can use styling variables in templates to allow the content designer to choose the final look of their messages.

As an example, you could create a variable of type 'Color' with the company-approved background colors to impact the look of components. Or you could use a text variable to allow the message creator to choose from a predefined set of Font options.

We will create a variable in the Global Style of the template to use for the background color of the columns. Below is the style sheet. The background color of the columns depends on a variable we named Background color. In the Custom style section, when you start entering the first characters of the variable, a list of possible options appears. Variables are indicated in the list with a personalization icon in front. Choose the BG color variable from the list.

When the message creator uses this template, they will be prompted for the color of the BGcolor variable and the layout of the button will be adapted accordingly.