Causes of Web Tracking Errors

Web redirections

Often, websites use a redirecting mechanism before attaining the landing page. These kinds of redirections are a potential threat to Engage Web tracking process because if the “m_i” parameter is lost, no cookie is written. Because the JavaScript code included in pages only writes a cookie if the “m_i” parameter is provided in the URL.

Faulty situation:

To avoid that, the URL provided should directly be linked to the landing page or the redirection mechanism have to take into account the “m_i” parameter.

Correct situation:


Multiple domains

Sometimes, one journey can have multiple endpoints. These endpoints might exist on multiple domains. As illustrated on the picture below, the ““ domain won’t be able to read the first party cookie of the “” domain.

There are two solutions to avoid this problem:

  • Set all cookies on the landing pages using iFrame
  • Transfer the cookie to the new domain


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