
The Validation Component lets you validate specific conditions before the journey continues. An error message is returned when validation fails.

Keep the following rules in mind when using a Validation Component

  • There are no restrictions on how many Validation Components are added to the journey
  • The Validation Component can be preceded by Input and Event Component, another Validation, a Page, Email or Mobile Message or a Data or Lookup Component.
  • The Validation Component cannot be followed by a Wave Component, Audience Filter or Wait Component.
  • There can be 2 consecutive Validation Components.



Name — Set a name for this component. This is used to display the component in the design panel.

For every condition in the Validation Component you can set the

  • Condition — Enter the condition. When more than one condition is entered, they must all be valid before continuing to the next step in the flow.

eq(requestValue('Name'), 'Parana') which tests if the requested value for the Name parameter equals Parana.

Or use an expression as in following example where data from a Lookup Component is used to check if the category equals Home:
eq(journeyLookupValue('PARANAORDERS','CATEGORY'), 'Home')

  • Error message — The error message returned when the condition fails. This error message will be available from the Personalization Dialog, for instance, as the system variable 'Data error' (expression : [%dataError()%]) and can be used in pages that are sent after the validation is performed.



Two events can occur after the execution. OnSuccess and OnFail.