Template/Message validation

Validating a template/message will tell the user at any time what the missing bits and pieces are in the design. Validation can be launched manually, via the 'Validate' button in the toolbar and will be performed for all languages at once.

Validation is also done automatically, when publishing the template or  message.


The errors and warnings displayed in the lower part apply however to the current language only. But, when navigating the different languages, the errors and warnings for that language are immediately displayed as validation is done for all languages at once.

When validation fails publishing of the template/message is not possible.

Note that once a validation has been performed on the template/message, the languages will appear differently in the language field. A color code and icon indicates the state of the language, based on the last validation. When there are errors in a language, it is displayed in red. If there are no errors but just warnings, the language is displayed in orange. When there is only information on a language it will appear in green.


Some of the validation errors returned for a language will block publishing the template/launching the message. These are displayed in red. Others are informative or just a warning (orange and green).

When there are blocking notifications in other languages than the current one, an additional tab is displayed with an indication of this. The user will then know that publishing is not possible as there are still errors in other languages.

The first tab includes all errors and warnings for the current language. The other tabs only show specific errors, warnings or informative messages.

Click a notification in the lower part of the screen to highlight the section referred to in the error and correct the problem.


Blocking errors are:

  • Locked Email header fields are empty (checked for all constraints)
  • No text version of the template/message
  • Locked template components without content (buttons without a link, Text without text, etc)
  • Incomplete content in a message (Text without text, buttons without links, images without source,etc)
  • No data selection defined for a repeater
  • Invalid data selection fields
  • etc.


  • Incomplete content for unlocked components in the template (e.g., buttons without a link, Text without text in it, Images with no source, etc)
  • Broken links for image urls
  • When selected item index in a fixed-layout field is higher than the maximum number of items displayed in the data selection


  • Text version found
  • Email header fields are set
  • Unlocked email header fields in template are empty
  • Image without click url
  • etc