API User

In Campaign, under ‘Settings, Users & User groups’, create a new REST API user. Enter the name and login name. A password is generated.

On the ‘Rights’ tab, add a role or ‘Edit’ the user rights. Simply tick the check box ‘API User Rights’. The REST API user will receive all rights. For Site you (almost) need all of them anyway.

  • General API Status and BT (Site) rights
  • Trigger campaigns: to select targeting and retargeting journeys
  • External segments: for exports
  • Action lists: for retargeting journeys
  • Lists, profiles, list relations, list fields, segments and segment members are all needed for the export

In the configuration section of Campaign, give the REST API user asset (access) rights to

  • The Audience list and its extended profiles from which you need fields in Site
  • Folder and contents where the Site extended profiles (profile+tags, segments and offers) should be created
  • Folder and contents where the Site action list (see targeting and retargeting journeys) should be created
  • Folder and contents of the targeting and retargeting journeys

ž   In Site, use this REST API user to connect to Campaign.


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