System Tags

Some tags in Site are already predefined and their values tracked automatically. These cannot be edited:

System tags are displayed first, followed by custom tags.


  • TrafficSource  How did the visitor arrive on the website?
    • Direct — By entering the URL himself.
    • Email — Through a link in an email.
    • Search — Through a search engine.
    • Paid_search — This tag value ‘Paid search’ is no longer reliable since most search engines do not return data anymore. The tag value has therefore no use anymore and will be removed from Site in the near future.
    • Affiliate — Affiliate websites through which the visitor entered the Site. (The list of affiliate websites is defined in the universe.)
    • Social — Via links on social network.
  • DeviceType — The device used when navigating.
    • Pc
    • Smartphone
    • Tablet
  • Search terms — This tag is no longer reliable since most search engines do not return data anymore. The tag has therefore no use anymore and will be removed from Site in the near future.
  • Referring URL — The URL of the website from where the visitor came just before he arrived on the customer’s website.
  • Day of week — The day (Monday to Sunday) of the week when the visitor arrives on the website.
  • Part of day — The moment of the day when the visitor arrived on the website. The possible values are configured in the universe.
  • Moment of day in week — This is a combination of the day of the week and part of the day on which the visitor arrives on the website.
  • Domain Domain from where the tracking call came. These are the domains of the websites as configured in the universe.
  • Affiliate — In order to understand which affiliate is bringing in the best leads. This tag is automatically detected when a lead comes on to our site via an affiliate and registered.

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