What Is Site?

Site is about


know your website visitor

If someone visits your website, do you know what he’s viewing? Which section of your website he visits? Or which article or product he clicked?
How often does he visit your website? And when? During the week or only in the weekends? How long does he stay at each visit?
And this across all your websites? Does he visit your different websites, or just one? On a tablet or smartphone?

With Site you can identify these visitors, store their actions and build profiles over time. Not only views and clicks, also JavaScript values (product names, categories …) are stored and linked to the visitor’s profile.

Use purchase history, visit frequency, interests, device type, and other data to define profiles. Is he a first time visitor? An active buyer? Interested in a certain product? A mobile or desktop user? Visits on Saturday? Came to your website through Google search or an affiliate?

Combine all this with information you already have from the Engage platform: subscribed to the newsletter, has a loyalty card, is a woman or a man, between 20 and 30 years old.

Site tags web pages. Visitors of these pages are tracked and profiles are built. Profiles can be linked to Engage audiences and can be used to steer marketing journeys and enhance cross channel remarketing journeys.



  • What are they looking for? What do they like?
  • Which parts of the website did they visit? Which parts do they revisit?
  • What kind of products are they interested in?


  • Are they regular visitors? Or an occasional one?
  • A frequent buyer or a first time buyer?
  • Are they a fan of your website? Do they stay longer than the average visitor?


  • Where do they come from? Search engine? Affiliate? Or did they type in the url themselves?
  • Via a social network? Facebook? 'X' (formerly Twitter)? ....
  • Which was the website prior to their visit?
  • On tablet, pc or smartphone?


  • Are they already in your Marigold Engage database?
  • If so, extend their profile with Marigold Engage data and vice versa.

Site will extend your data gathering considerably. Previously the focus was on account data customers provided themselves or on his behavior across traditional channels like email. Now you can add another channel to the mix: their web behavior.


Offer the right content to your website visitor

Now that you know your website visitors, tracking them, why not offer them specific content related to their profile? Steer them to areas on the website they are interested in, stimulate a purchase, increase your ROI. Create subtle (or drastic if you like) changes on the website specifically for them. At the back-end your website remains the same, but at the front-end, in their specific browser, you target them with tailored content.Define areas on your website, combine banners, web page content, pop-ups and pop-ins, and fill them with content relevant to a specific profile.

If they are first time buyers, why not try to stimulate a second purchase? Fill the areas with content to highlight your free delivery service. Or perhaps you have a discount voucher for new customers?

In Site this concept is called an 'Offer' and consists of 4 parts, the “who, what, why and when”: the offer’s audience (who: first time buyer), the offer content (what: free delivery) and your offer goal (why: stimulate a second purchase). The “when” is always the time frame when to show the offer.

Some other examples:


  • For visitors with a loyalty card (audience), highlight the loyalty card advantages (content). Stimulate them to use the loyalty card (goal).
    Or highlight the loyalty card advantages with a single click to sign-up (content) for frequent visitors with NO loyalty card (audience). The goal is of course to get them to sign-up for the loyalty card.
  • Reward your brand ambassadors
  • Stimulate purchase for active visitors (clicking on products), but haven’t purchased in a while


  • Offer a 20-30 year old person, often visiting the mortgage section (audience), free tickets to a builder’s fair where you exhibit (content). Get him to talk to you about his mortgage plans (goal)
  • Highlight new investment products for a customer with a big savings account
  • Offer upgrades and show advantages to visitors with a basic car insurance


  • Someone who visits the sports section often, but isn’t subscribed to the sports magazine yet (audience). Offer him a time-limited discount on the sports magazine subscription (content).
  • Visits your websites on a tablet but didn’t register for your news app. Point him in the direction of the download app page.
  • Engaged visitors (clicks at least on 3 articles per day) who are not subscribed to the newsletter. Ask them to subscribe to the newsletter.

Include Engage journeys to create content for your offers. For instance a Journey handling the newsletter opt-in, which is shown in a pop-in on the website.
Or use Engage to send a follow-up email to visitors who accepted your offer (converted profiles) or a ‘retargeting’ email detailing the offer again to visitors who didn’t accept your offer within a certain time frame (not converted profiles).

The ultimate goal is to increase ROI through visitor conversion: a person is more likely to click through banners displaying messages that appeal to the visitor’s interests, increasing conversion rates through carefully-targeted messages.
With Site, rich behavioral profiles are transformed into actionable data, creating a personalized digital experience by ensuring relevant offers appear consistently across all devices and channels for that visitor.


So What is the difference between Site and the webanalytics I have(e.g. Google Analytics)

Web analytic tools focus on traffic, Site focuses on people. The most important advantages of Site against typical web analytics are:

  • Site builds profiles over time. Web analytic trackers are often limited to single visits.

  • Site can use CRM data combined with behavioral data to create segments.

  • Site can link all prior behavior to an identified profile at the time of authentication (e.g. via click in an email or a login on the website).

  • Site does real-time online targeting and cross channel re-targeting based on behavior.



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How does Site work?

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