What's New in Campaign
Release 2019 Ackee

Welcome to our update on the new features included in this first release of 2019. From this release on, you will notice that our release names have become a little more exotic, using fruit names starting with A and going through the alphabet for the following releases. Our first release of 2019 has been baptized 'Ackee'.

Here's what you can expect as new or enhanced features for this release:

Smart Audiences

Smart audiences allow you to define the best audience for your content. Using the interaction data of users visiting your website, Recommendations is able to define the audience that will result in the best performance and highest interaction with your content. You can set the maximum size of your Smart Audience if needed.

To create this smart audience, you first start with defining the type of content that you would like to send. For this, you use a set of filters. Once this is done, Recommendations calculates the smart audience and saves it as a static segment for use in a journey. You can even set the size of the audience. The content that is configured to calculate the smart audience is only created for that purpose and won't be available as such to use as content in messages.



CRM connector

[6.4.2] SIMLink campaign sync no longer throws ambiguous column name when ISDELETED field is available on userlist


[6.4.2] A proper error message is returned when a validation exception occurs for campaign/x/trigger