What's New in Campaign
Release 2019 Cherimoya

Here's what you can expect as new or enhanced features for this release:

Possibility To Define Any MIME Type For Pages

When creating a page, you can now set the required output type for the page. You can choose between HTML, XML, JSON, plain text or CSS.

The non-HTML types are meant to be used when you want to provide API-responses to external services with data stored in Selligent.

This is a unique selling point of Selligent as this allows you not only to generate personalized HTML pages but also XML, JSON, CSS and plain text pages that can be used through the API for Content Automation.

Example: You want an existing form on the website to submit data to a Selligent MC journey, so all advanced journey capabilities can be used. This submit expects a result saying “success” or a list of error messages for example. By allowing different types of output pages, we can now very easily set this up.




  • Mandatory Expiration Date for Push & In-app notifications — Push & In-app notifications are only displayed for a given time period. The expiration date of the notification is now a mandatory setting and is by default set to today + 2 months. You can now also select an expiration date through the date picker after clicking on the 'Select' button.



  • Social Facebook — The deprecated Publish_actions permissions does no longer prevent pages from being loaded