What's New in Campaign
Release 2019 Damson

Here's what you can expect as new or enhanced features for this release :

CRM Connectors

Dynamic lists synchronization from MS Dynamics

Dynamic lists can now be synchronized from MS Dynamics to Selligent.

In Campaign, these dynamic lists are synchronized as Data Driven CRM segments. Data driven CRM segments can only be synchronized in one direction : from CRM towards Selligent. They have their own dedicated icon (while non-data driven CRM segments show an icon with bi-directional arrows).


Synchronization of deleted items

Synchronizing deleted items was already possible for Salesforce, but has now been opened up to all CRM connectors.

This can be done in two ways :

  1. Per segment — Through a checkbox 'Synchronize deleted items with CRM' in the segment properties.

  2. For all related CRM segments in a CRM Connector instance — Through a checkbox 'Synchronize deleted segment members' in the CRM Connector instance dialog.



  • MTA — Some emails that where stuck in the actioninqueue table have been resolved now
  • Datalayer — Datatable column that starts with MASTER_ no longer breaks SQL queries
  • Express — CAMPAIGN.TAG and MESSAGE.TAG have been added in the Express editor