What's New in Site
Release 2019 Ackee

Welcome to our update on the new features included in this first release of 2019. From this release on, you will notice that our release names have become a little more exotic, using fruit names starting with A and going through the alphabet for the following releases. Our first release of 2019 has been baptized 'Ackee'.
Here's what you can expect as new or enhanced features for this release:

Affiliate System Tags

A new system tag has been added for affiliates to detect which affiliate website brings in the most leads. Reports are available that show the weight of each affiliate.

Exporting Active Offers

Previously , you could already export tag and profile information. Now you can also export information on active offers. You have the option between exporting all active offers or just a selection of offers over a given period of time.



  • [1.9.1] UTF8 characters are displayed correctly when coming from GAE
  • [1.9.1] The 'about' dialog is shown when clicking on the 'About Site' menu item
  • [1.9.1] The Cantor pairing Decode function returns the correct userid & listid in some cases when large numbers are used
  • [1.9.1] The ColumnStore type selection can be set to SQL
  • [1.9.1] A stored cross-site scripting vulnerability is resolved on api/reports
  • [1.9.1] Universe configurations can be opened after deleting a tag used as an exposed field
  • [1.9.1] The API script clearProfileInfo() clears the sbt_pi value in the cookie correctly
  • [1.9.1] A check has been added to prevent abandon cart emails to be sent multiple times
  • [1.9.1] Universe configurations can be opened after deleting a segment used as an exposed field
  • [1.9.1] Form validation succeeds when everything is filled in correctly
  • [1.9.1] Carts can be saved when no product catalog mapping is selected