What's New in Campaign
Release 2020 Kumquat

Here's what you can expect as new or enhanced features for this release :

Mapping of lists in a hybrid environment

When creating a new list in Campaign, you have the possibility to map the list to an existing database table. In a hybrid situation, where Campaign is used together with Engage, this list of existing database tables is limited to the ones created in Campaign; From the Kumquat-release, it is no longer possible to map a Campaign list to tables created via Engage.
In case, a Campaign list was previously mapped to a table created via Engage, this mapping will remain but it is no longer possible to edit the design of the list.


Create messages in AMP mode

When creating messages in Campaign, it is now possible to use dynamic content through embedding interactive elements like carousels, accordions, purchase buttons, etc. For this purpose, an additional tab has been added in the content editor, next to the Source and Design tabs.

The AMP tab is only shown for emails and when a specific setting is enabled on the environment.



JobAgent — Dataload job now fails if an import of one of the files fails