What's New in Campaign
Release 2020 Lilly Pilly

Here's what you can expect as new or enhanced features for this release :


Use of widgets in messages created in AMP mode

From the Kumquat release, AMP email messages can be created in Campaign. It was however not yet possible to add AMP widgets to the email.

Now, to allow the use of AMP widgets, an additional HTML-head section is added for AMP in the properties of the email. This allows to modify the AMP-Header and add or change the scripts that allow the use of the widgets.

When an AMP email is created, the AMP header section already contains some default code that is necessary to use AMP.

For more information on the available AMP components, please check out : https://amp.dev/documentation/components/?format=email

Example of adding a carrousel :
<script async custom-element="amp-carousel" src="https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0/amp-carousel-0.1.js"></script>

Note that the body attributes section allows setting the attributes such as background color, margins, padding, font-family etc.



  • Grid & MTA — The origination date header is now correctly set when a message uses STO.
  • Optiext correctly handles two requests received at the same time.
  • MTA correctly handles errors when downloading attachments.