What's New in Selligent MC
Release 2020 Lilly Pilly

Watch the release video to get a global overview of what is new in the Lilly Pilly release

Admin Configuration

Integration of Configuration into the Selligent Marketing Tool

The entire Selligent Marketing Cloud configuration has been moved to the Selligent MC tool. It has been totally revamped and is now in line with the look and feel of the SMC tool. This results in a direct access to configuration, a more intuitive navigation, and a user-friendly approach in setting up the environment.

For clients who operate hybrid SMC/Campaign instances, the legacy Admin Config (now called Portal) will remain available as separate module in order to maintain access to Campaign related reporting.

Important Note: This new configuration will be rolled out gradually in the weeks following the Lilly Pilly release. The new Group feature requires current users to be migrated to the new configuration. (see Groups and Permissions for more on this feature). During migration, users with identical permissions will be grouped.

To access the configuration, click the Gear icon at the bottom of the first navigation level of Selligent Marketing Cloud. Note that Administrative rights are required to use this feature.

For instances with multiple organizations, users can manage configurations settings for all organizations they administrate without using the top bar navigation. It is however not possible to delete an organization that is currently selected in the top bar.

Settings are divided across second-level navigation tabs such as Organizations, Deliverability, Data integration, Access mgmt. and Global settings. On each tab, the left side of the screen displays the third-level navigation. Clicking these links takes the user directly to the element of their choice.

For each entry in the third-level navigation an overview is available from where you can edit or delete items. When editing an item, a right sliding panel is displayed with the properties:

Users will only be shown the tabs and configuration elements for which they have been granted permissions.


Groups and Permissions

The Lilly Pilly release introduces user groups. Instead of configuring permissions for each user, groups allow administrators to manage permissions for all users within the group. Managing permission at the group level expedites user creation and maintenance.

Once a group has been created, Users and Permissions are displayed on separate tabs.

The Users tab displays all existing users. When the filter ‘All users’ is selected, you can add users to the group by ticking the appropriate box. The ‘Members’ and ‘Not members’ filters offer insight into who does and does not belong to the group.

On the Permissions tab, you can attribute permission sets to the group and thus to all users in the group. Below, you can view the exact rights that this entails in the different parts of the application.




Event-driven Journeys - Enhancements

Custom Events lists which trigger Event-driven Journeys can be paused. Now, in the Lilly Pilly release, when configuring the components, the status of the Custom Events list is shown by the colored dot next to its name:

Red for paused, green for active and gray for inactive.

Moreover, in an Event-driven Journey canvas you can now see an indicator on the Custom Event Component or the Event Data Component if the underlying Custom Events list is paused:

Note: When pausing/resuming Custom Events, the marketer is given the option to delete unprocessed records. This implies that all events that came in during the pause, will be removed from the Custom Events and no longer be processed when the Custom Events are resumed.




Content Block Enhancements

Previously when adding Content Blocks in Design mode, the user was shown a placeholder and had to navigate to Preview and Test for the Content Block to render. Now, Content Blocks are rendered in Design mode providing a realistic preview while a user is creating their message. Note that the preview consists of the HTML code used for the Content Block, similar to what you would see in Source mode.

For the following Content Block:

Before: The reference of the Content Block is mentioned in the placeholder

After: The code used in the Content Block is shown

This feature is only activated upon request.
Moreover, the Content Block preview is only available in the Responsive Editor.


Data Selection Enhancements

Data selections now allow to include in your message items without a language. For multi-lingual marketers who have content defined that is not language specific, there is no longer the need to create duplicate items for the different languages to ensure the items would be shown in the message. To activate this option, an additional setting is added to the data selection configuration:

Important note: The possibility to use items without a language can NOT be combined with the manual selection of items in the message. For this reason, the options ‘select existing items’ and ‘Add new items’ are automatically unchecked when using this option.


Also, template variables allow marketers the ability to personalize a message based on the values entered. Currently, variables can be used as personalization fields or to define visibility constraints. The Lilly Pilly release introduces the use of variables in data selections. Variables act as the criteria that must be matched in order for a record to be displayed.

The template has a repeater using a data selection to fill the message with products. The products returned are filtered using a matching rule where only products with a CATEGORY equal to a variable will be returned. When the marketer uses the template to send out a message and sets the CATEGORY variable to DRESSES, only dresses will be displayed in the message.


Cortex Enhancements

To leverage Cortex features, a product catalog is required. When this catalog contains a large number of items, it is difficult for users to quantify the validity of the data. To help determine the quality of the catalog, new metrics have been added to the Product insights page. At the top of the screen, the total number of items, the number that are active and those that have been deleted are displayed.

In addition, users can filter the products displayed by whether they are active or deleted. Note that a maximum of 10.000 items are displayed. Only items that have interaction ratings will be shown:



Introducing the Selligent Bot

We are happy to introduce the birth of the Selligent bot. Starting from this release, the Selligent bot welcomes users on the Login page and will keep them informed on important messages.



Reporting and Dashboards


When a heatmap cannot be displayed, the Selligent bot displays along with the reason the heatmap is not available.




• The List Usage panel has seen UI improvements when a lot of types are available, showing now left and right arrows to scroll in the list of types.

• When defining a filter for a Smart Content, you can now also use operators for numeric fields such as ‘between’, ‘greater than’ and ‘lower than’. These operators allow testing a numeric value of the recommended items against a fixed value or the value of the context item.




• A new technical document is available explaining the setup of a Magento data sync in Campaign as well as in SMC.

• An XSS prevention guide for Campaign is now available as well. This document explains in details, with examples what not to do when building page templates.

• There is an update available of the document Selligent Mobile- iOS – Using the SDK.




  • Mails that were converted from a template with Content Protection activated on a data selection will no longer be blocked from sending.
  • When setting the column-width ratio of a row the right value is selected in the drop-down
  • Data selection does now take 'Contacts with no language' or 'Contacts with no match on language' into account
  • Mail domains are now set correctly
  • Drag and drop of images in list overview now works correctly
  • 'Learn more' URL in modules page in admin configuration is now displays correct information
  • Deletion of folder with spaces in name no longer contains URLENCODED values in pop-up
  • Correct folder path is shown when opening journey from flyout menu
  • Mobile buttons are now visible on Outlook.com on mobile and the Outlook app
  • Articles with a lower case language are included in the rendering of the email
  • URL validation for a new article allows empty input when it's not mandatory
  • It is now no longer possible to save a journey when all values for deduplication are empty
  • Validation errors are thrown when there is no linked list selected in Data Component
  • Start times are correctly displayed in a Recurring Journey after modifying and saving them
  • Drag and Drop of components in Custom Journey now works correctly on older Firefox versions
  • Mail component in custom journey no longer stays on notification in the back-end after recurring batch link
  • Start time now uses the same conversion as the start and end date
  • No Console error is thrown on opening recurring journey with start time eq null
  • SMS message with data selection now takes content-protection into account