New features 2020 November
Admin Configuration | Smart Content | Content Block Enhancement | Data Import Improvements | Custom Events Improvements | Data Sync Enhancement | Library | API | Others | Documentation | Corrections

Admin configuration

Service Accounts

Users can now be created that can be assigned granular rights to the different end points. These users are called Service Accounts and are created through a dedicated entry in the Admin Configuration/Access Management tab. Service Accounts do not have access to the SMC application and can only be used by the API.

Note that the existing API apps created in the Data Integration/Apps section of the Admin tool will continue to work for 3 more releases. However, no new apps can be created and no changes can be made to existing apps.

When a Service Account is created, an API key and secret are automatically generated.

An expiration date can be set, either selected from a predefined list (3, 6, 9, 12 months) or specified as a custom expiration date. A dialog box will confirm the date that the account will expire.

Note: When the API key and secret have expired, it can be renewed from within the Service Account configuration panel. This creates a new key and secret.

API filtering can be defined for the Service Account, limiting access only from the listed IP addresses.

Organization filtering can also be defined to limit the account’s access to specific organizations.

Once the general settings have been defined, specific operation rights can be assigned for each of the endpoints supported by the API.

When a Service Account is not authorized to use an endpoint, the API will return a `403 - Forbidden` HTTP response code and message.


Smart Content Enhancement

Fallback Algorithm

When using Smart Content algorithms there is always a possibility that no products are returned, especially when using a Personalization based algorithm. To ensure a product is always returned, it is now possible to apply a fallback algorithm. Only statistics-based algorithms can be specified as a fallback, as these will always return products.

The fallback algorithm is selected from a drop-down field in the properties of the Smart Content and will automatically be applied when the primary algorithm doesn’t return any results.

Fallback algorithms are supported for email, web and API calls.

A fallback option could previously be set as a Query parameter in the URL of the image. This functionality will be deprecated in early 2021, and only the setting in the properties of the Smart Content will be possible.

Limitation on items

It is now possible to limit the number of items returned in the configuration of a Smart Content of preview type Email. (This option was previously only available for type Web.)

This is an optional setting, and if not specified, defaults to max 4 items.

This option could previously be set as a Query parameter in the URL of the image. This functionality will be deprecated in early 2021, and only the setting in the configuration of the Smart Content will be possible.


Content Block Enhancement


You can now save a Content Block by using a keyboard shortcut of CTRL+S at any time while editing the code of the Content Block. Saving a Content Block this way keeps the editor window open, making it easier to perform intermediate saves. Saving your changes using the Save button closes the editor window and takes you back to the overview of all Content Blocks.


When Content Blocks are used in a message, the preview of the Content Block now displays the SG components defined in the Content Block. This includes SG components of type text, content, image and button.

Example: A Content Block has 2 SG content components: SG component A has no content defined; SG component B has content defined in it. When this Content Block is used in a message, the SG component with no content will be shown as a placeholder in the preview with an icon and the name of the component. For the SG component with content, the actual content is shown in the preview.


Data Import improvements

Several enhancements have been made to the Data Import capabilities which will allow marketers to:

  • Replace their external record IDs with Selligent IDs.
  • Replace field option values in the import file with corresponding SMC Option list codes
  • Import data from one file into multiple different lists in SMC
  • Import data into Custom Events lists

To achieve the above, the following features have been introduced

Import into Custom Events

When importing an external file, the marketer now has the option to import the data into a Custom Events list.

An additional option is available in the Import Options settings for this feature. When 'Import into Custom Event’ is activated, a drop-down allows selecting the Custom Events list. Only Custom Events lists linked to the selected Audience list are available to choose from.

For an import into a Custom Events list, import options are limited and the import will always insert new records into the Custom Events list. Also, there are no settings for duplicate records.

Import from 1 file into multiple lists

With this feature it is possible to import data from the source file into both an Audience list and any linked 1:1 list in a single import.

The configuration of the mapping between source file fields and Selligent MC lists now contains an additional column to select a linked list. This column is only shown when importing into an Audience list.

Select a 1:1 linked list and set mapping options. It is not possible to define a field in the linked list as Key field.

Transformation of data through inverse lookups

This feature allows data coming from the source file to be transformed into values specified in SMC. This can be applied to:

  • Fields linked to Option list values where a file value is replaced with the corresponding code in the SMC Option list. This feature is available for imports into any list type except for Option lists.

Example: Replace the value ‘Male’ for the Gender in the source data file with code ‘100’ when importing records; and replace ‘Female’ with code 101. These codes are retrieved from the Option list by matching the value in the data file to a value in the Option list.

  • Fields in Audience lists, Data selection lists, Custom Events lists and Data lists; where field values are replaced with the primary key in the lookup list. Depending on the type of SMC list the data file is being imported into, different lookups are available:
    • Import into Option list: No lookup option is available
    • Import into Data list, Audience list and Custom Events list: Lookup in Option list, Audience list and Data selection list is available.
    • Import into Data selection list: Lookup of Option list values is available

The transformation of data is configured when mapping the fields between the source file and the targeted SMC list. A new option has been added to the Mapping configuration page to allow this transformation of data.

Clicking the Gear icon on a field opens a configuration panel to specify the settings for that field. The options available depend on the destination field and list from which the option is selected.

Note: When the Gear icon is displayed in blue, a lookup setting has already been defined.

Example 1: Transforming file option values into the corresponding SMC Option list code.

When importing a file with contacts into an Audience list for which the Gender field is linked to an Option list, it is possible to replace this gender value with the corresponding code stored in the SMC Option list. Here we are importing into the Audience list 'Parana Customers Import', where the Gender field is linked to the Option list 'Gender'

The Option list contains the following data: On the Field Mapping page, perform a lookup in the Option list ’Gender‘ to retrieve the code. Next to the Gender field mapping, click the Gear icon and select ‘Inverse lookup – Option lists’. Automatically the SMC Option list is filled out. This is possible because in the targeted SMC Audience list, the field ‘Gender’ is linked to the Option list ‘Gender’. Last, select a language from the drop-down field to ensure the matching is based on the right language of the value in the file field. As a result, a lookup is done in the SMC Option list to match the value in the file field with a value in a specific language in the Option list and then return and store the corresponding code instead of the original value.

Note that this feature is only available when importing a file into fields in SMC lists for which the content is linked to an Option list:


Example 2: Replacing the external ID with the SMC ID in an Audience list.
We are performing an import into the Audience list CONTACTPROFILE and want to replace the external identifier K_USERID with the unique identifier stored in the lookup Audience list 'CONTACTS_LIST'. To do this, we need to perform an inverse lookup in an Audience list. The configuration is as follows Based on the matching between the file field K_USERID and the lookup Audience list field 'K_USER_ID', the unique identifier USERID can be retrieved to replace the external ID and store it in the CONTACTPROFILE Audience list at the moment of import into the list.

Enhancements in Data Sync

Exporting Error Details

In a previous release, a detailed list of failed records was added to give insight on the records that failed to sync and why they failed. The Quince release adds the ability to export a report of these failures by clicking the Export button shown on the History tab of the sync configuration.

The file is exported in CSV format.

The Export button is not available when there are no failed records or when the cause for the failed records is unknown.

When no synchronization has occurred yet, or no data is available, the History page informs the user to try again later.

Library Enhancements

Previous releases offered the possibility to upload images, fonts and JS files. In this release, PDF and TXT files have been added to the list of file types that can be stored in the library. Once uploaded, they will be listed in the library and marked with a PDF or TXT icon.

PDF files stored in the Library can now also be selected when adding an attachment to an email.

In a message, go to the Attachments option in the Components panel on the right. Click + to add a new file attachment. A dialog is displayed to retrieve the file.

Click ‘Choose file’ to access the Library and select the PDF file.


The link to the PDF file is added to the Attachments dialog.

Custom Events Lists

3 improvements have been made to Custom Events lists

  • Tasks using the Custom Events list are now also listed on the Usage page
  • Option to use a Custom Events fields as lookup field in a data selection.
  • Copy/paste of fields of a Custom Events list for re-use in other Custom Events

A field set as Data Selection filter Set in a Custom Events list can now be used as a lookup field when defining a data selection used in a message.

In this example, the field BOOKS_LOOKUP in the Custom Events list BOOKS is set as Data Selection Identifier Set.

The data in this field is comma separated and contains the IDs of the books a customer is interested in.

In the Quince release, the data in this Custom Events field can be used in the lookup configuration when defining a Data Selection in a message. In this example, the books in the data source are filtered using the data in the Custom Events field.



Swagger response examples for Tag List Structure and Data API’s have been updated with more relevant information.



Mobile Enhancements

A new method has been added to the SDK to allow APP developers to have access to the complete payload of the in-app messages. This way, app developers can handle in-app display and store content to build an inbox.

Journey Overview

The Journey overview page now displays details on the last or next planned execution. The current status of the journey is indicated with a color code and the date on which this status has been reached.



A new version of the iOS SDK documentation is available.

The following Use case videos have been added:

  • Use Case: Social Advertising Platforms - Add new Marketing Cloud contacts to your external Google Customer and Facebook Custom Audience lists.
  • Use Case: Welcome Lifecycle Program & redirecting Contacts - Create a marketing program to engage newly subscribed contacts and provide specific messaging based off Audience list data. Then connect this Custom Journey to others.
  • Use Case: Multi Channel Discount Custom Journey - A custom journey to provide a discount offer based on the communication channel preference of a contact.

  • [Campaign] PROBEID is now correctly translated in URLENCODE function used in a message
  • [Campaign] CAMPAIGNS.CMP_LAUNCH_DT is now converted correctly to the journey's timezone, when using it to calculate if a journey may execute already
  • [Site] In the universe settings, when filling out a wrong value for the domain field no validation message was shown. This has now been corrected and a validation message pops up
  • Custom Event scope was not correctly used when updating an audience field with custom event data in Data Component. This has been rectified and the right scope is now used.
  • There were inconsistencies between pinning items in content and items in journeys. Now, when items are pinned they will appear at the top of the current page in the grid.
  • Editing Custom Journeys no longer requires 'Transactional Journey ' rights to be activated.
  • When you imported an HTML file, we did not apply the global styles to it, making it impossible to edit them. Since we want you to be able to edit them all, we fixed this issue.
  • [SMC] Wait Component in custom journey doesn't support custom channel/Interface component events
  • When you added a Smart Content Component to your responsive mail and would then refresh the browser, you couldn't add more smart Content Components. Smart is good, so now you can add more.
  • GetAudienceBrandFilterSegmentMapping was executed even though audiencebrandid is not available. This will not happen any more
  • When putting form validation messages between double quotes, you want them to appear in the error message. The ending double quote was however removed. We have put a stop to this and it is now correctly displayed.
  • In an inbound component in a Custom Journey, a required column was needlessly added to the parameter overview. It has been removed now.
  • [Campaign] Clashplan query was missing scope MASTER. for unique contact definition. This has now been resolved and the scopes have now been added.
  • [Campaign] When sending out transactional messages user-related data was sometimes cleared. This has been corrected and all data is now correctly updated.
  • When viewing a time line report for a flow, queries were executed in the backend multiple times, for each language. Now there is only one execution
  • [Site] Incorrect removal of tag values when hitting a tag with a custom decay config has been rectified and all hit tag values are correctly listed.
  • Form validation in a page blocks the publishing of a journey when a shared list is used with a sharing filter. This is not what we want to happen and the issue has been resolved and journeys can be published with no errors.
  • It shouldn't be possible to delete a Custom Events that is being used in a Task. Unfortunately this was possible making a save of the task fail. But don't worry, all has been taken care off and deletion of a used Custom Event is no longer possible.
  • Custom Event journey doesn't load segments in audience filter component. This is a no go and segments can now be selected again.
  • [Campaign] When you add an extra action after another action in a BPM journey, using for example a Not Viewed event in a BPM journey, the calculation for this second Action failed. This has been solved.
  • URLDECODE was unable to handle Cyrillic characters. This is no longer an issue and the result is now as it should
  • [SMC] "Expose component to Site" does now work as expected on second input component
  • [Campaign] Performing a transactional request where many emails are sent to many non -existing users no longer causes the request to fail.
  • [Cortex]Displaying multiple Smart Content images in a Carousel now respects the width defined for the images.
  • There was some unexpected behavior which made it impossible to go to the Mapping tab when editing an existing data import. No worries, you are now again able to access the Mapping tab
  • [Campaign] Email addresses with leading/trailing spaces in request data or the userlist no longer causes duplicates or failures
  • [Heatmap] export pdf is working correctly again
  • Limitations on custom events have been improved
  • Duration of syncs is now correctly returned.
  • Permissions are taken into account when loading the possible contents when creating a SBJ
  • Login button is enabled when opening login page with pre-filled username and password
  • Multiple styles can be added to a column. In certain cases, this was not possible but the issue no longer occurs
  • [Campaign] When using N:1 data in conditional maildomains only one parent record receives an email successfully. This is incorrect and has been rectified.
  • Duplicating a SBJ together with the content in the journey no longer throws an error
  • Validation message is shown when a control components is used together with an AB component
  • A clear message is returned when publishing a Custom Journey with a Recurring Batch and an AB test component in it. This combination is not allowed
  • [Campaign]When a journey subscribed to a custom event is paused or stopped, it no longer receives events
  • [Site] Adding decimal separated Value to a cart item no longer changes the value
  • [Campaign] When creating an audience list in Selligent Marketing Cloud you can not map on an existing engagement table.
  • [Campaign] - A taglist created in Selligent Marketing Cloud can not be edited in the fat Campaign client.
  • [Site]- Selecting the option "Compare with: None" will update the results displayed. Previous indicators are no longer displayed.