New features Campaign 2021 February
Send-time Optimization Enhancement | Corrections

STO Enhancements

Multiple enhancements have been made to the Send-time Optimization (STO) feature to improve the calculation and use of the optimized send-time for a contact.

• An STO profile is now available for all contacts that have at least 1 interaction. Previously, only quality profiles were created for contacts having a minimum number of interactions over a given time period. The STO profile is created after a first message has been sent.

• A fallback STO time has been introduced. This fallback STO time will be used for contacts who have no interaction and hence no STO profile. This fallback STO time is based on the best send-time for the audience.

• The STO profile for a contact is not only based on the best send-time for the contact but also the best send-time for the audience. The result is an STO time that is a weighted combination of both. The reasons for doing this are:

  • when a consumer has too little interactions, we cannot be confident about the hours of activity.
  • when a consumer has a lot of interactions but no hour stands out




  • Split component now correctly sets the configured actionlist as audience
  • Article lists can now be selected as a source for export
  • NEG_ matching operations on an article container filter now correctly exclude articles
  • Keyboard input miraculously disappeared after selecting actionlist in a campaign. This has been fixed.
  • INTERFACE. scope now allowed in Lookup Component
  • The journey editor was having an issue with multiple CRM components being added, slowing down the editor. This has now been resolved