New features Site 2021 February
Third Party cookies | Placements Enhancements | Corrections

Google Third Party Cookie Policy

Google has announced to faze out third party cookies on chrome browsers by 2022 (no exact date has been announced). So what does this mean for Site users?

Selligent Site only uses third party cookies to track anonymous profiles over different domains or when a visitor deletes the first party cookie from his browser.

When third party cookies are no longer available, tracking of anonymous users will only be possible on a single domain. Cross domain tracking for universes with multiple domains will no longer be possible. There is however no impact on tracking of known contacts over multiple domains as identification of a know contact is done in a different way. (Selligent identification and customer identification).


Placements Enhancements

Pop-in Placement

The Pop-in Placements editor has been improved and contains now an additional option.

The Z-index field, specifies the stack order of an element. An element with greater Z-index is always in front of an element with a lower Z-index.

Technical note: The Z-index is by default set to 'auto'. If you need to change this, it needs to be a positive number like e.g. 2 or you can leave it blank.


Also, ESC button now closes the pop-in.

  • The icon highlighting in the Tag overview is now fixed for both the Override Decrease icon and the Hierarchy icon.
  • After updating the Journey, journey parameters in an Offer are correctly retrieved
  • Journeys that are deleted in SMC were still selectable in Site. This has been solved and deleted journeys are no longer visible in Site.
  • Deprecation warnings no longer shown when using popups
  • It was not possible to set the list once integration settings are saved. This has now been resolved and setting a list after saving the universe is again possible, as long as no list was selected previously
  • Users were unable to save universe with public key configured. this has been resolved
  • Creating new placements now works as expected
  • It is now possible to upload images for public cloud customers