New features in Site

March 2021
Enhancements in Popin Placements Corrections

Enhancements in Popin Placements

The Pop-in Placements editor has been improved and contains new properties that were previously only editable via CSS code. These enhancements make it easier for the marketer to define and design the pop-in placement.

The following styling options have been added:

  • responsiveness - Adapts to the size of the screen
  • the dialog style such as the radius, thickness and color of the border
  • the Close button style such as position, color and size
  • Overlay: transparent color which covers the rest of the web page


In addition, the polish currency has been added to the Cart configuration


  • Once you configure a value greater than 0 for the retargeting scheduling (day, hour or minutes) you can't set it back to 0 again. This issue has been resolved.
  • A tag export to SMC was wrongly reflected as a profile export in the export overview. This has been corrected
  • Copied value from script perso textfield can now be pasted in a perso textfield in Chrome, on macOS
  • For security reasons, all avatars are removed in Site; the default user icon will be shown for everyone