New features in Selligent Marketing Cloud

June 2022
Version 5.19

Custom Event Data in Redirect Component

In the previous release, the ability was added to use Custom Events data in Split component constraints and expressions. This data can now also be used in the parameters of a Redirect Component, through the Personalization Dialog.


Web Custom Component Enhancement

Several UI changes have been introduced in the configuration of Web Custom Component tin the Input section-in the Data Exchange chapter:

  • The ‘Input’ label is replaced with ‘Parameters’.
  • ‘Visible’ property is replaced with ‘Editable’ making it clearer that the field can be edited when the component is added to a journey.
  • A tooltip is added to the ‘Editable’ property for more clarity.



  • The Customer Single View dashboard showing a failing query due to a time out, has been resolved
  • InApp messages that have been read are now correctly displayed as 'read'. The corresponding 'seen' property is correctly updated
  • Duplicating Single Batch journeys using a Campaign list is now working as expected
  • Users with access to only one organization were unable to sign out when the organization got deleted. This is resolved now.
  • The migration tool created a permission set called AnyAdminPermissionSet which has all permissions enabled including ReadOnly rights. This blocked the admin editing any asset. This is now resolved.
  • Service Accounts now expire on the correct date, instead of a day too early due to transformation to UTC datetime.
  • Consumer Engagement EMIT fields can be filtered correctly on "Email days since last email delivered" and "Email days since last email opened".
  • Grouping by week has been aligned for correct reporting to match Sunday as the first day of the week.