New features in SMC

August 2022
Version 5.22

Custom Identifiers for Custom Events

In a previous release, a new system field (External_ID) was added to the Transactional API. Now, it is also available by default for Custom Events Lists. This field allows customers to pass on their own unique identifier, providing SMC users with the ability to link execution data to their own records.

This is an optional field and when no value is filled out, SMC will attribute its own identifier to it.

In the Custom Events List, this looks as follows. This field cannot be edited and is assigned type ‘UniqueIdentifier’:

Note: Keep in mind that the External_ID field must respect the GUID (UUID v4) format. Other data types are rejected.


Email Headers included in Content Copy

Previously when performing a copy of content in the same or to another organization, the email headers were not copied. Now, for each language in which the content exists, the following is included in the copy:

  • From Alias
  • Reply Alias
  • To Alias
  • Preheader
  • Subject
  • Subject Visibility Constraints

The Following items are also copied, but with additional constraints: From address, Reply address and Delivery groups. These are copied only if they are available in the target organization. If not, default values are applied.


iOS Opens No Longer Included in STO

The Apple Mail Privacy introduced some changes in how Apple handles incoming emails on iOS15. Apple Mail Privacy hides your IP address so senders can’t link it to your online activity, and prevents senders from seeing if and when you’ve opened the email.

As a result, there will be more ‘open’ events from users using Apple Mail with privacy protection (iOS15), which can potentially include ‘fake’ opens triggered by Apple’s proxyserver. This has an impact on the calculation of the best send-time for a contact, which uses the open times of emails (apart from mobile interactions and email clicks).

Because of this, calculation of the STO time for a contact now excludes any email opens detected via iOS15. There is no impact on iOS15 clicks.

By excluding the iOS15 opens, the STO algorithm will have less, but more reliable and accurate data to calculate the STO hour.

If you want to read more about iOS15 changes, please refer to these articles :



  • Consumer Engagement EMIT fields can be filtered correctly on "Email days since last email delivered" and "Email days since last email opened".
  • [Site] An image placement with a fade effect shows correctly on the website
  • Input component exposed to Site in a Custom Journey now loads properties correctly
  • If you have an html file that contains images to be uploaded from a folder in the same zip and your html file name contains 2+ dots than the import no longer fails
  • Links in SMC testmails using the itemValue function with 3 parameters now redirects to the correct location
  • Sort order in the reporting is now correct for custom journeys, recurring batch and scheduled grids
  • Checkbox 'checked if' is now correctly retrieved when loading or publishing a page
  • When you trigger a Web custom component in a Custom Journey with values from an extended profile as input parameter values then these values were empty since the scope detection does not detect the scope used in the custom component. This has been resolved
  • [Content Block Variable] Alias and description no longer disappears after saving a message
  • When using journey Data in a Custom journey, it is now possible to select more than one extended profile