New features in Site

May 2022
Version 5.15

UX Improvements in Site Placements in SMC Corrections

UX Improvements in Site Placements in SMC

In the previous release, Website Placements management was introduced in the SMC Library chapter. As a notification for all Site users, an announcement message has been added to the Site configuration screen in the Site module, under to the Placements section:


Small UI/UX enhancements have been added to guide and help the user when configuring and managing the website placements in SMC Library chapter:

  • Small UI changes have been made to the Website Selector Dialog such as fonts, colors and padding.

  • Validation has been added in the Website Selector Dialog to ensure the entered website URL is linked to a registered domain. If not, the “Go to website” button is disabled and a validation message is shown (“The URL provided is not in the list of registered domains”).

  • The Element Selector tool on a website now also allows users to select parent elements of the selected area. The selected element is highlighted. Hovering a parent item in the list highlights the corresponding area on the website.

  • Several tooltips have been added in the Placements Configuration page to replace existing informative messages and warnings, or to add more explanations on certain properties..

For example: The HTML Placement now shows an info icon displaying a tooltip when hovering.


Other Examples:



  • Script tags are now executed by Site script (non-jquery) when action is: "Replace content of element"
  • Merges of tag value scoring no longer result in incorrect timestamps to be used