New features in Site

June 2022
Version 5.18

UX Improvements in Site Placements in SMC Update on isTrack Property Corrections

UX Improvements in Site Placements in SMC

Previously, to create a new website placement, you needed to select the ‘Website Placements’ tab in the Library chapter and then click ‘+ New’ within the Placements tab to be able to create a new type of placement.


Now, you can also create a new placement by using the ‘+New’ button at the top level in the Library chapter, containing all the available Library options.

When selecting the ‘Create Placement’ option, a wizard pops up to choose a placement type.


Update on isTrack Property

In Release Version 5.12, we announced the planned deprecation of the isTrack property in the Site script. A temporary work around was made available during the transition period.

From Release Version 5.18, this property is now completely deprecated.


  • Offers - ABn test content is correctly retrieved after changing a placement in an action.