New features in Marigold Engage
October 5, 2023
Version 5.52


Native MMS Message support

Note: This feature needs to be activated on demand and is available for US clients only.

SMS messages are often used to confirm appointments, purchase orders, delivery status and more. However, SMS messages are limited in length and do not allow for media files to be attached.

MMS or Multimedia Messaging Service allows MMS users to send multimedia content, such as images, audio, phone contacts and video files. MMS messages in Engage have a character limit of 1600.

What does this feature look like in Engage?

MMS messages are added as a new type of content that can be created from the Content chapter:

In the MMS message, you can define the type of media to be added to the message, in this case an image:

Note: Expressions and personalizations (through the Personalization Dialog) can be used in both the MMS content, and in the Media URL.

An MMS Component is now available in Custom Journeys to add the MMS to your marketing journey:


Notification badge for Mobile Push messages

Marketers want to ensure that a specific message is not overlooked or that their mobile app gets opened.

Now, there’s a new option when creating Mobile Push messages in Engage, to add an app notification badge (red dot with number 1) on iOS devices. (This happens automatically on Android devices.)

In case that the app already has a notification badge (no matter what the number in there is), it gets overwritten with a new notification badge.

This allows marketers to reach out to contacts who may have missed the initial push notification. Ultimately, this can significantly boost the app’s open rate.


Custom Channel Endpoints - Possible to choose a channel of your choice

In the Admin Configuration section of Engage, you can create Custom Channel Endpoints that allow using communication channels other than the standard SMS, MMS, social or mobile channels. Think of Print, Export, Call sites and more.
Previously, when creating such a Custom Channel endpoint and selecting a provider, the type of channel was fixed by the selected plugin.
Several releases ago, we announced that Custom channel endpoints can be used in Cadence Management and in generic exports, however this was limited to the following types: Print, Export, Call Center and Onsite intervention.

Now, when configuring Custom Channel endpoints, it’s possible to override this fixed channel with a channel type selected from a predefined list understood by the system. This list can vary based on your install.

Note: Choosing a channel of your choice is only possible for Custom channel endpoints (not for types SMS, MMS, Mobile, Social), and only for those providers that do not already have a default channel set (eg. PDF Merger has a default channel of print, that can not be changed) !

These flexible Custom Channel Endpoints can then for example be used in Cadence Management or shown in Generic Exports, extending the possibilities of these features to additional Custom channel types.


Twitter rebranding to X

With the recent rebranding from Twitter to X, all social plugin texts and logos in Marigold Engage referring to Twitter have now been renamed/rebranded to show X instead of Twitter. Documentation has been updated accordingly.


Venn diagrams in Data Studio

One-dimensional diagrams, such as bar charts, provide a view on the numbers per individual category, but do not provide insights on intersections between these categories.

Venn Diagrams allow marketers to compare multiple overlapping data sets in order to view the relationship between them. This is a great feature for identifying loyal customers, or to identify those that you may wish to understand the characteristics of, to drive lookalike targeting.

Example :
Identification of user groups:
When looking at transactional data and making a VENN-circle per sales year, it enables you to identify interesting user groups.
- Clients that only bought during the most recent year are new clients
- Clients that both in previous years, but not in the last year are churned clients
- Clients that both in 3 subsequent years are loyal clients


Data Studio - "Or" filter supported when creating static segments from Dashboards

In release 5.47 we announced the possibility of the use of ‘OR’ filters on dashboard and chart level, with a limitation on the creation of static segments from these dashboards : previously, it was only possible to create static segments from dashboards with an ‘OR’ filter on dashboard level when non-standard datasets were used. Static segments created from dashboards with OR filters on chart level was always possible, regardless of the used dataset. This created a discrepancy during the creation of static segments.

Now, it is possible to always create static segments from dashboards with an ‘OR’ filter on dashboard level, regardless if a standard or non-standard dataset is used.


Enhancements in Liveclicker Integration

In the previous release 5.51, we launched the integration with Liveclicker, allowing marketers to use any type of Liveclicker campaigns to personalize their messages upon opening.
The creation of new Liveclicker Campaigns required opening the Liveclickerapplication and starting the process from there. Also, the list of Liveclicker campaigns might not reflect the latest changes or additions.

In this release, a few additions have been made to simplify the creation of new campaigns and always have the most recent list ofLiveclicker campaigns:

  • adding a ‘Start New Campaign’ button to the Select campaign dialog, allowing marketers to launch the Liveclicker tool and create a new Liveclicker campaign from scratch.
  • adding a ‘Refresh’ button to the Select campaign dialog, allowing to retrieve the most recent list of Liveclicker campaigns.



  • API response for 'singlebatch/message' API call no longer returns unrelated error
  • Audience filter designer takes exclude on segment containing history/engagement filter into account correctly
  • It's no longer possible to create duplicate segments through the API