New features in SMC
February 2023
Version 5.35


Analytics Tags for Pages

Upon adding a Page Component to a Custom Journey, an analytics tag can now be set. This was already the case for emails in Custom Journeys. When a tracker (such as Google Analytics) is activated on your environment, the value of the tag is passed on to the tracker and used for reporting.


iOS SDK Update

A new iOS SDK is now available. This includes:

  • Migration to Swift
  • Remove armv7, armv7s, and i386 support: Xcode 14 built
  • Raise minimum supported version to iOS 11
  • Create new SDK FrameworkExtension/SelligentMobileExtensionsSDK.xcframework to use (only) in App extension targets (i.e notification extensions). Main SDK is to (only) be used in the main App target
  • Remove all deprecated APIs and properties
  • Remove universal library support
  • Correct bug where actionsheets from IAM where showing title and body instead of only menu buttons
  • Add new method to initialize custom events by providing a name
  • Change InApp message of type image handling: it doesn't use WebView anymore but UIImageView and caching. Increase performance. Align with Android, there is no scrolling anymore, image fits the size of the screen while maintaining the aspect ratio
  • NotificationCenter messages aren't necessarily posted on the main thread anymore
  • Add close links menu feature when tapping outside the links actionsheet for IAM of type image, html, map and url
  • Add IAM styling options via SMInAppMessageStyleOptions
  • Fix bug where the links menu (actionsheet) in IAM would not display for iPad
  • Fix bug where the type of IAM (iamType) would not be stored properly (new property to be used type)



  • Heatmaps are now working as expected for online archived journeys in SMC (state 5).
  • SalesforceSoapLogging works as expected in simlink and a log file is generated.
  • A template that contains a style attribute on a SG tag no longer blocks the creation of a SBJ.
  • Upon duplication of a Content Block, the content of the Content Block Component is now copied as expected.
  • Updating the SIM_MAILCLIENTS table works as expected, even when there is an existing temp table.
  • When a message bounces and has to go through MTA_DELAYED_BOUNCES (via automation) this bounce is now processed correctly when the SMTP result is longer than 255 characters.
  • When you validate a mail with multiple image components and one of the image components contains validation errors, then the validation errors for the additional images were not present in the validation pane. This has now been resolved.
  • Queries on the timeline in Single Customer views have been optimized.
  • [Content] There is no longer an Id mismatch when duplicating a content-block.
  • List data load endpoint will now return a 400 error when stop on error is enabled and invalid data is used on that record. Previously a 200 code was returned.
  • Saving Selligent cloud url data exports has been adjusted to not require the system admin claim.
  • When USEPREVIEWCONTENTDESIGNMODE toggle is false, the content blocks are no longer displayed as white space, but the grey space with the Content Block name as expected.