New features in SMC
April 2023
Version 5.39


Integration with Selligent Experiences

With Experiences you can create interactive and engaging ways to acquire critical customer data and enrich your customer profiles. Experiences enable even non-technical marketers to create engaging, interactive Experiences that collect opt-ins, personal data, preference insights, purchase intentions, etc at speed and scale. Think of quizzes, surveys, subscriptions forms, contests, polls and more.

Selligent Experiences will be available as an additional module in SMC.

To be able to access Selligent Experiences, permissions need to be set:

Before creating and using Experiences, the first step is to define what data you want to collect and what it will be used for. Do you want to attract new customers? Or, is improved and targeted segmentation for your campaign the main goal? Maybe personalization? Or all of the above?

By using Experiences, zero party data is collected which can then be used to enrich existing profiles or create new ones. Zero-party data is not only the gold standard of data because consumers are telling you directly about themselves, but it’s also an invaluable tool for surviving the death of the third party cookie, getting consumers to opt-in, and personalizing customer experiences.

Thanks to this correct and relevant zero-party data, which is collected directly from the source, new leads can be generated in a more efficient way, but also existing customers can be targeted better through more informed segmentation.

In addition, any information gathered through an experience can be used for personalization, making every communication with your target audience more relevant and engaging.

Third-party cookies have helped organizations create targeted ad campaigns for years. As the use of third-party cookies dwindles, marketers have shifted their attention towards leveraging zero- and first-party data to continue creating targeted ad campaigns.
Although first-party data is a more familiar term than zero-party data, many marketers have likely been using zero-party data for some time already.
But what's the difference?
First-party data comes from customer behavior, such as web activity, and requires analysis to derive relevant insights.
Zero-party data is information that customers voluntarily share with organizations. The data comes from customer surveys and polls.
This identified zero-party data is the go-to way to drive better personalized marketing campaigns. It doesn't require analysis and offers insights directly from customers.

Everything starts with the right Experience.

A toolset is at hand, not only to allow marketers to start from a series of predefined Experience templates, but also to allow modular sections to be added or removed from your own experience.

Once the experience is ready, it can be used in your email communications or pages, and contacts can start filling them out. Any data entered by these contacts will be mapped to their profile, using the email address. If the contact does not yet exist, one will be created.

In a nutshell, Experiences allow you to provide a positive experience to your customers while guaranteeing a mutually valuable data collection.

If you are interested to start using this new feature, please contact Selligent. Setup and configuration of this integration is done by Selligent. They will guide you through the process to make this a success!


Online Help Now Publicly Available

It is finally happening and we can’t wait to share our excitement! The Selligent Online Help is now publicly accessible from the following URL:

This is a huge step forward in our efforts to enable all our users to better understand the capabilities of our products and how to use them.

Accessing and searching for information as well as sharing of information with fellow users becomes a lot more easy, while guaranteeing at the same time a consistent experience when accessing the help through the platform, the Client Portal or directly from the above mentioned URL.

While making it public, we also created a new landing page, from which you can view the latest news updates, access the help topics for the different tools or go straight to the learning section.

Enjoy this new experience!



  • Custom Journey reports - When there are different channel types (example: email and Sms or Email and Push) and the filter has changed in the email section, the data displayed in the chart is now correct.
  • Deleting a component from a Batch Task now works as expected.
  • Validating a large Custom Journey no longer causes a timeout and can now be correctly validated.
  • Saving changes to an organization unexpectedly cleared the Default audience set for the organization. This has now been resolved.