Contacts that have clicked the most the Electronics products

Duration: 6:04min
Language: English
Content: use of taxonomy list - tagged sensors in message- taxonomy profile extension


Find out which contacts interact most in your messages with everything that has to do with electronics and send them a promotional email.

With Taxonomy, sensors in messages can be tagged so that Selligent can measure the interaction with these sensors, which are the favorite tags and the number of times a contact clicked a specific tag. In addition, taxonomy also provides insight in the number of emails clicked, viewed or delivered, the number of views per device type, when they last clicked, etc.

Taxonomy lists are used to define the possible tag values for the sensors and are configured in the configuration section of Campaign.

Now, when a taxonomy list is defined with a list of possible tag values, the taxonomy list must be linked to the audience list. This is done in the properties of the audience list.

Automatically a profile extension is created for the audience list that is filled up with data coming from taxonomy. This profile extension contains the top 5 of most clicked tags.

Whenever a message is created in which an audience list is selected with a taxonomy list linked to it, it is possible to link a taxonomy value to the different sensors in the message.


Once all this is set up you can use the information in the taxonomy profile extension to check if the top_cat1 field contains 'electronics' and retrieve all contacts that correspond to that constraint.


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