Social: Personalized Content on social network

Brands present on social networks might want to display content pages adapted to the visiting user. This principle can be used for easy registration to newsletters, events, games. On the other hand it allows providing the user with personalized deals based on the available data.

However this is only possible if the user has performed a social login.  Social login provides the application the social data of the user either by retrieving it in real time from his profile or by looking it up in the Selligent profile extension that was built after a previous social login.

Including personalized content in Facebook pages is performed from within the Facebook application itself. The Facebook page or tab points to a Selligent page (by using the reference generated by an Entry component), that can be completely customized for the connected user. The marketer is completely free in how his journey is set up, if it includes a social login or not, if data is looked up and stored. He can use any of the available journey components in combination with this personalized content on his social network.


A Selligent page can be added as a tab on a Facebook page. To be able to do this, you need an app. That app manages the tab page and that app is added to the Facebook page.

1. A Selligent page is required, with a maximum of 810 pixels. Create a journey with this page.

2. On Facebook developer, select your app  (if it does not yet exist, create a social app) and choose 'Edit settings'

3. In the section 'Page tab' enter the following:

  • Page Tab name: name of your tab on Facebook
  • Page tab URI: URL of the Selligent Marketing page
  • Secure Page Tab URI: url of the Selligent Marketing page but with https instead of http.
  • Select a page tab image
  • set the page tab width to 'Normal'

4. Save these changes and note the 'App ID' and 'Site url' for the next step

5. Go to the following link:

6. All the Facebook pages you manage are in the drop down. Select the Facebook you want the tab to appear on and click 'Add Page Tab'. The tab is now added to the page.

