Social Publish Component

The 'Social Publish' component allows posting messages to a social network from a journey. Depending on the social app selected in the component, the message is posted on a Facebook page or 'X' (formerly Twitter) account.

For more information on the creation of social apps, social widgets and components, please check the dedicated topic 'Social integration in Selligent Campaign'.

This component is placed directly after the Start component. As the message is not published to a contact in particular, but on the brand or company Facebook page or 'X' (formerly Twitter) account, the component does not need to be placed after the Audience list.


The journey is single shot. When the journey is activated, events are created in the back-end and executed based on the social publish settings, which can be at a specific moment in time or based on a shared storage variable (created with the Shared storage component). An event is triggered only once. You can add multiple Social publish components in a single journey, each configured to post on different times, or with different values for a shared storage variable.
E.g. 2 Social publish components, one for when a contest starts, and one when it ends. These can be created both at once in the journey, with time constraints to post the messages on the Facebook page or 'X' (formerly Twitter) account at different times.


  • Name: the name will be shown below the component on the canvas.
  • Constraint: (Optional) If no constraint is defined, the component is executed immediately when the journey is executed. By using a constraint you can set a date when the post should occur, or when a shared storage variable has a certain value. E.g. when a variable 'contest end date' has been reached: GETDATE()>=CAMPAIGN.CONTESTENDDATE where CAMPAIGN.CONTESTENDDATE is the shared storage variable.  
    Dates and shared storage variables can be combined using AND and OR operators. Use the ... button to access the dialog:

NOTE: To use a shared storage variable with a social publish component, the scope can be CAMPAIGN, LIST or SYSTEM, depending on what level you need the shared storage variable. With CAMPAIGN, the variable will only be available in the journey you created it in. I.e. the social publish journey. With LIST, it is available in all journeys using that audience list. And SYSTEM, it will be available in every journey, system wide.
COOKIE and DATABUFFER are not possible for a social publish component. COOKIE will set a cookie variable (if allowed) and DATABUFFER will add the variable to the memory as long as the request lasts (between 2 pages, just like a posted value).

  • Social app: the selected social app represents the social network and application on which the message must be published. Social apps are defined in the Selligent campaign Settings. A social app is linked to a social network (Facebook, 'X' (formerly Twitter) or Janrain) and an application ID. Publish target: within a social app one or more Facebook pages or 'X' (formerly Twitter) accounts might be available. Select the page or account where the message must be published.
  • Social content: the content to be displayed on the Facebook page or 'X' (formerly Twitter) account.  You can use shared storage variables in the message. But no contact personalization because it is not linked to a contact.

The Social Publish component does not have any events and is therefore not followed by another component
