Viral Parent Component

The Viral Parent component is used in combination with the Viral component. In a viral journey where friends are invited, the Viral Parent component can switch back to the inviter's profile to store data (to reward him for inviting a friend) or send him an email notifying him his friend has accepted his invitation. The Viral Parent component is always placed somewhere in the journey after the Viral component's 'Friend' trigger.

Example: Contacts participating in a viral contest can increase their chances to win by inviting friends.  When a friend's invitation results in his participation, the inviter must be given an additional chance.

In the journey below, the Viral Parent component is used to update the inviter's profile when the friend clicks "Subscribe" in his invitation email. In the properties of the Viral Parent component a field LOYALTYPOINTS is updated and an invited friends counter is augmented.  The Viral Parent component's 'Parent' trigger switches to the inviters profile to send him the mail notifying him his friend clicked. While the Viral Parent's 'Success' trigger continues the journey for the friend. Note that the inviter is rewarded at the moment  the friend clicks in his invitation email.


The Viral Parent component generates three events:

  • Success: Triggered when the complete process of data validation was successful and the inviter's data have been stored. Storage is defined in the Viral Parent component properties. This trigger will continue the journey for the friend, not the parent.
  • Failed: The data did not store correctly. Storage is defined in the Viral Parent component properties. This trigger will continue the journey for the friend, not the parent.
  • Parent: This event will switch to the inviter's (contact) profile. Everything behind this trigger is done on the inviter's profile: data storage, lookup, etc. But also sending the inviter an instant email, like an email notifying him his friend has accepted his invitation.


Define the values that should be stored on the inviter's profile. By checking the checkbox 'Execute only once for every viral-friend', the update on the inviter's record will only be executed once per  friend. If it is not checked, the inviter's record will be updated each time. This is used as a safety feature, so that if the friend accepts the invitation again, the inviter does not get another 1000 additional loyalty points. When checked, they will receive it only once.

After discussing the Viral Parent component: the inviter's notification email

The 'Parent' trigger of the Viral Parent component will switch back to the inviter's profile. Everything behind this trigger is done on the inviter's profile, including sending him the email notifying him his friend has accepted his invitation. So when you use personalization fields in the email, like ~NAME~, it is the name of the inviter (contact). To use the friend's personalization fields use the scope VIRAL_FRIEND, e.g. ~VIRAL_FRIEND.NAME~.

NOTE: The email should be a single batch email.

Technical note:
The Viral component has a 'Friend' event which switches to the friend's profile, when he is invited by the contact. On the friend's profile, you can use the scope VIRAL_PARENT to use the inviter's personalization fields, e.g. ~VIRAL_PARENT.FIRSTNAME~
