Extended Profile data

General information of a contact is stored in an Audience list. This Audience list contains a series of standard fields completed with custom fields. It holds data that in general is more or less static. But this data can be completed with numerous elements gathered throughout the customer lifetime. It completes the profile of the contact and provides a level of detail that allows better targeting.

This information can come from within Selligent Campaign itself, for instance by filling out a form, completing a survey or measuring taxonomy.

But it might also be gathered from external sources, such as Selligent CI, the Site environment, CRM and even FrontOffice.

Selligent CI: CI uses data from Selligent Campaign for analysis, to make predictions, calculations. On the other hand calculated values can be transferred to Selligent Campaign for use there. The availability of this data is set up in the CI environment.

Site: Behavioral data gathered on a contact is stored in a behavioral profile linked to the Audience list. This can contain massive information on the surfing behavior of the contact, including numerous calculations. In addition, the different segments to which a contact belongs can be created as a profile extension to the Audience list. The setup of this integration is performed in the Site environment.  

The table name of a behavioral list contains DATA_BEHAVIORAL_PROFILE_[ListID]. It is 1:1 linked to the Audience list.

CRM: The data in Selligent Campaign Audience lists can be updated based on information stored in the CRM environment. It is a two-way synchronization. Additional information from the CRM environment can be stored in linked tables, extending this way the contact profile. The configuration of this data exchange is performed in the CRM environment and the Selligent Campaign environment.