Copying and linking components: Component Library

The component library allows inserting existing questions and pages from other forms (or the same form) into a form. The option 'Insert existing' is available from the contextual menu on the Page level.

When the option is selected the 'Component Library' is displayed.

It provides the following:

  • Form list: on the left, the list of all forms ordered by 'most recent' or using the standard tree view
  • Page /Component list: on the right, the list of pages and components included in the selected form. This panel is used to link or copy a question to the existing form
  • Copy or Link button
    • Copy: copy the selected page or question into the current form. This copy generates a new question and a new form field in the form table and all answers to the copied question are stored in the table of the current form.
    • Link: link the selected question to the current form. As it’s not a copy, all answers are stored in the original form  table from where the question has been imported (the one selected on the form list). No changes can be made to the linked component apart from setting rules to show/hide the component. A linked component is represented with a different icon in the Page overview.

Linking components is usually done from other forms to manage the questions in one form and create 'subset' forms. Or link profile fields, if the fields change (e.g. option lists) they are also updated in the forms

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