
With Form you can create advanced and responsive forms. Form has an extensive library of components that are dragged and dropped on survey pages to define questions and possible answers. Form elements like text fields, radio buttons, checkboxes, drop-downs, matrices, calendar controls, image uploaders, captcha, sliders, raters and more. But also content components, navigational components and scripts can be added to a form page.

With Form you can create more than surveys, basically anything that consists of multiple sequential form pages can be created with Form. Use the contacts profile data, from both the audience list as its profile extensions, to define the form pages. That is why the object created with Form is sometimes also called an 'Form'.


Logic of Rules allows skipping questions or pages based on the contact’s attributes or answers to previous questions.

Forms are used in journeys and can be handled like any other journey. E.g. to follow up on answers given by the contact with an email. to Contact him based on his answers, Continue the journey after the contact completed the form...


Related topics:

How to use the workspace

Creation of a new form with a more detailed explanation about the different aspects of it, such as available components, form properties and page properties.

Using existing pages and questions by means of the Component library

Applying styles to a form

View, Publishing and Version control: once a form is created, it can be previewed, tested and finally published. Version control is supported.

View data gives an overview to the answers of all form participants. These records can be used later on for e.g. exporting.

Database: overview of the fields in the form list linked to each question

Deploying forms in other environments by means of packaging