List Field Data types

The following scheme shows the supported data types for list fields in Marigold Engage, how to use them, their corresponding MS-SQL type, and the required storage.

Data Type
Engage Usage MS-SQL Type Storage required
BOOLEAN Single TRUE/FALSE value BIT 1 byte
NUMERIC 32-bit Integer value
Range: -231 (-2,147,483,648) to 231-1 (2,147,483,647)
INT 4 bytes
LONG 64-bit Integer values
Range: -263 (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808) to 263-1 (9,223,372,036,854,775,807)
BIGINT 8 bytes
FLOAT 15-digit precision decimal number.
Range: -1.79x10308 to +1.79x10308
FLOAT 8 bytes
DATE Stored in YYYY-MM-DD format but presented according to locale.
Range: January 01, 01 (0001-01-01) to December 31, 9999 (9999-12-31)
DATE 3 bytes
DATETIME As DATE but also includes TIME.
Range: 00:00:00 to 23:59:59.997 (3 decimal places)
DATETIME 8 bytes
TEXT Any UCS-2 (Unicode) character, up to 4000 characters NVARCHAR 2 bytes per character + 2 bytes
LONGTEXT Any UCS-2 (Unicode) character, up to 2GB NVARCHAR(max) 2 bytes per character + 2 bytes
UNIQUEIDENTIFIER Only used for the SG_EXTERNAL_ID field in Custom Events, and Transactional fields (for which it's added to the API contract and added into the internal (hidden) list). UNIQUEIDENTIFIER 16 bytes (in 36 characters)